Our priorities

Electricity and transport make up the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the Inner West, so we’ve chosen them as our priority areas for 2023.


Electricity accounts for at least a third of local emissions, with some sources putting the figure closer to two thirds. Local uptake of rooftop solar is much lower than the national average.

We’d like to see:

  • a rapid increase in rooftop solar installation
  • a solution to the incentive problem that prevents renters from enjoying the benefits of rooftop solar, home electrification and energy efficiency improvements
  • more solar panels installed on apartment blocks, social housing and commercial buildings

We are:

  • working with local tenants, landlords and real estate agents to solve the incentive problem and find creative ways for tenants to benefit from rooftop solar, home electrification and energy efficiency improvements
  • advocating for Governments to improve access to these essential improvements for people who rent, live in apartments or social housing
  • exploring options to run a suburb-wide electrification pilot similar to Electrify 2515: please send us an email if you’d like to help get this off the ground.


Transport accounts for about a third of local emissions. To reduce transport emissions to zero we need to eliminate as many car trips as possible, and electrify the rest.

We’d like to see:

  • a rapid shift away from fossil fueled transport to zero emissions transport options including EVs, trains, electrified buses, bicycles and micromobility
  • more local streets reimagined as places to walk, cycle, live, play and relax, not just to drive and store cars
  • improved active transport infrastructure (safe and convenient cycleways, secure bike parking, public e-bike charging, improved footpaths, more pedestrian crossings and more shade) so that active transport becomes a viable option for most people, for most trips, most of the time
  • better use of shared vehicles (including vans, cars and e-bikes) to free up more public space
  • buses, fleet and commercial vehicles (including council vehicles and garbage trucks) electrified as soon as possible

We are:

  • advocating for national, state and local governments to accelerate the uptake of zero-emissions transport options that are available now
  • advocating for improved active transport infrastructure so people can get around the Inner West without having to drive or own a car
  • supporting the Better Streets campaign to improve streets and public spaces across NSW
  • advocating to make EVs (including used and shared EVs) accessible to more of the community through financial support and more public charging facilities

We have a long list of ideas for future projects and campaigns that we’ll take forward when we have enough supporters, members and resources. While electricity and transport are our current priorities we’ll also need to tackle emissions from gas, food and waste to achieve our goal of a zero emissions community. We’re always open to new ideas from the many smart, creative and passionate people who live in and around Newtown, and we’d love your help to bring these ideas to life.